Mourning the Passing of Deputy Carlos Cammon


Deputy Carlos Cammon

EOW: August 23, 2019

The Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriff’s (AOCDS) mourns the passing of Dep. Carlos Cammon, who succumbed to injuries sustained at an on-duty OCSD SWAT tryout in July, 2013. Carlos died at a local rehab facility late Friday night, August 23rd. He was 29 when the injury occurred.

Cammon, a six-year veteran, was assigned to patrol operations in the city of Stanton. In 2010 he was awarded the department’s Medal of Courage after he and three other deputies subdued a man with a knife who was assaulting a woman in Orange.

He began his career with the OC Sheriff’s Department in 2006 and was first assigned to the Central Justice Center in Santa Ana after he graduated from the OCSD Basic Academy in 2007.

Cammon was born in Los Angeles. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Criminology Law and Society from UC Irvine in 2006.

He is survived by his most loving mother, Lenora “Cookie” Sturdivant, who was by his side caring for him nearly everyday for six years.

Those wishing to assist the family with a financial contribution can do so through the AOCDS Memorial Fund, an IRS 501(c)3 charitable organization, via the link below. Unless directed otherwise, the family will be given the names and contribution information of all those making donations.

Please join the men and women of AOCDS as we we grieve with the Cammon family. Thank you for your support.


A visitation service will be held on Wednesday, September 4, 2019 from 1700-1900. Family, friends and law enforcement are welcomed to pay their respects to Deputy Cammon.

Fairhaven Memorial Cemetery Waverly Chapel
1702 Fairhaven Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92705
A grave-side burial service will be held Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 1000.

Law enforcement marked vehicles beginning at 0900.
Brown Colonial Mortuary
204 West 17th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92706
Law enforcement vehicles line up along N. Sycamore, enter from Washington

Grave-side burial services:
Beginning at 1000, standing-room only on grass.
Fairhaven Memorial Cemetery
1702 Fairhaven Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Parking is limited, carpooling is encouraged

Lunch reception:
Immediately following the grave-side service
Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriff’s Office
1600 N. Main Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701
Parking and entrance on N. Sycamore Street

Posted in: Community, Member Advisement, Memorial