AOCDS Business Hours Change

The AOCDS office is adjusting business hours, effective Tuesday, January 20, 2015. Our new hours will be Monday through Friday from 0800 to 1600. These business hours will remain in effect until further notice.
We are currently undergoing a significant upgrade to our IT system in order to automate more of our Medical and Benefits services along with a major overhaul of the AOCDS website to provide you with even better service than before. This change in office hours will allow AOCDS staff to make the transition as smoothly and efficiently as possible without impacting member service.

• As always, if you are involved in a critical incident or need immediate AOCDS assistance after-hours, please call our 24/7 line at 714-285-2800 and an AOCDS representative will get back to you immediately.

Again, the AOCDS office will be open from 0800 to 1600 Monday through Friday beginning this Tuesday, January 20, 2015.
Thank you for your support as we improve and automate our systems to better serve you.

Posted in: Member Advisement