Media Update: Leadership Assessment Survey

If deputies have a gripe about the boss, they can go ‘Yelp’ on them

Union critiques of superiors at Sheriff’s Department and District Attorney’s Office will be anonymous and public. Not everyone is thrilled.


Hundreds of Orange County deputies and investigators will grade their bosses at the Sheriff’s Department and District Attorney’s Offices, then publicly share those opinions in the union’s monthly newsletter.

The process, which union leaders say is intended to be civil and informative, sets up a potential battleground that could pit rank-and-file deputies against management.

The first reviews, in which deputies and investigators rate their bosses on a 1-to-5 scale and offer comments on issues such as trustworthiness and communication, have been sent out to about 2,000 deputies and investigator union members. The results are expected to be published in the January edition of the Courier, the deputies’ monthly newsletter.


Posted in: Media Update