Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer is sending thieves and robbers a message via Southern California billboards, buses and bumper stickers: “Crime doesn’t pay in Orange County. If you steal, we prosecute.”

Pascual Torres didn’t set out to have a career in the boot business, but fate sometimes has a funny way of intervening. When Pascual suffered a back injury in 2004, he needed to find a quick way to make some money that didn’t involve heavy lifting. He agreed to learn the trade just enough to help out temporarily. “It was hard. At first, when I was watching other guys doing it, I thought ‘Oh, that’s easy. I can do this anytime, but when I started doing it myself, I was like, oh. I was wrong.’ It took me about two, three months to pick up the basics and then, over the years, I developed my own techniques, my own way to do it.” Now, here he is, 19 years later continuing to help public safety officers look and feel their best.

The Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs is proud to announce that we have been working with Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer to create a Crimes Against Peace Officers (CAPO) Unit.

The Orange County Board of Supervisors met at their regularly scheduled board meeting this morning and, by a unanimous vote, approved the CONTRACT AGREEMENT between AOCDS and the County of Orange.

Orange County’s top law enforcement posts changed hands on Monday, as Todd Spitzer was sworn in as district attorney and Don Barnes ascended to become sheriff.

Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. has signed Assembly Bill (AB) 1749 into law. AB 1749 clarifies that fully sworn peace officers can file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits if, while in the midst of pursuit, apprehension, protection or preservation of life or property within or out of the state, the officer suffers injury, disability or death. This is a bill AOCDS proudly sponsors and has been fighting for in the legislature since the Las Vegas mass shooting nearly one year ago.

Today, after more than two years of intense scrutiny and false blame, now retired Orange County D.A. investigator Dillon Alley was vindicated in an incident, where he was attacked by a criminal defense attorney in a courthouse hallway on March 9, 2016. A jury awarded Alley $250,000 in punitive damages.

“We are sickened and brokenhearted over the unnecessary tragedy that unfolded in Las Vegas overnight. As we mourn the loss of the 59 victims and pray for the recovery of the hundreds injured in the mass shooting, we find a ray of light in the humanity we’re seeing in the aftermath of the massacre.